0203 475 7591
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71-75 Shelton Street, Londra, WC2H 9JQRegno Unito

Intelligenza dei dati

Intelligenza dei dati

At Carense, we produce quantitative and qualitative reports annually. Ranging from strategic reports, industry forecast reports, sector reports, panel reports, insight reports, trend trackers, and country profiles.

Our tailored reports allow you to decode the future by discovering our Carense Intelligence Hub. Request a free no-obligation run-through of our unique and powerful tools and discover how they can help with your sourcing and manufacturing processes.

Market Data & Insights

There is increasing demand for broad-based service providers who can provide customers with an extensive range of offerings. As such, Carense now provides an integral API service for sourcing and development, by bringing these capabilities together with our existing expertise in this space and our process development capabilities, we can provide customers with a more simplified and complete offering.

Many actives in development are becoming increasingly complex in order to meet more exacting requirements for selectivity and efficacy, so having strengths in complex chemistry expertise is essential to address the synthetic challenges they present, and capabilities such as chemo and biocatalyst offerings are in strong demand. Purification and chromatography are also in demand with these complex actives; conventional purification approaches may not be effective. Finally, of course many of these actives are highly potent, so having expertise in the development and production of such products in becoming a necessity.

At Carense we see the ability to provide creative and innovative solutions to regulatory challenges as an integral part of our offering in providing custom solutions to innovative companies. We’ve used our extensive regulatory experience to work with our customers and to develop effective ways to manage multi-filings in multiple territories for example. It’s all part of providing a holistic service offering that’s designed to broadly support customers for their CMC requirements.

CPharmaceutical (17)

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